The saw blade lifting of the saw unit is carried out by a sturdy cast-iron structure with sliding on ground round slideways which guarantee the best accuracy. The unit tilting is carried out on cast-iron rotation sectors in a crescent shape to ensure reliability over time.

Ease of use in every day operation due to the dedicated gear box, fully protected from dust (Scm patented solution), that provides a smooth and direct transmission. Every minimum handwheel movement corresponds to a precise blade adjustment.

Vertical and horizontal adjustments of the scoring unit are carried out by user-friendly mechanical levers that operate directly making precise and smooth movements. The useful mechanical stops allows immediately finding of the set position

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Optimal support also to larger pieces, with the sliding table 400 mm (15.75”) wide. The slideways, with special arch-ground steel profile (SCM solution), are secured with a procedure of aluminum riveting so that to ensure an exceptional precision and smoothness